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Transform the exterior of your property with top-quality rendering

Colourend Ltd is Kent’s go-to professional rendering company. As a recommended contractor for a leading rendering supplier, we undertake both domestic and commercial projects, offering first-class solutions for new builds and refurbished properties. Our fully-trained rendering contractors use the very best materials and products on the market and we are able to provide full workmanship guarantees.

Colourend work

Why render your property?

Rendering is a popular exterior finish, designed to improve the appearance of your property, keep water out, boost thermal performance and increase weather resistance. Rendering is cost-effective and quick to apply, with long-lasting benefits. It is extremely versatile and looks fantastic.

Choosing the right render

There are lots of different rendering options to explore – each with its own benefits. Our expert team will advise on the best type of render for you, taking things like the age of the property, accessibility, desired finish and budget into consideration.

You can choose from…

  • Monocouche renders
  • Silicone renders
  • Acrylic renders
  • Traditional sand and cement renders

Our spray rendering process

We use modern spray rendering, applied via a purpose-built machine, for our renders. This method guarantees a quality, highly durable finish and when compared to traditional rendering, saves us time and money, meaning you’ll be getting the very best service and price. It is suitable for most exterior types and the chosen finished colour is provided in the render, so no painting work is required.

Our renders are available in a wide range of coloured finishes. Some of the most popular render colours we offer include chalk white, stone grey, pearl grey, granite grey, ocre rose and beige.

Over the years, we’ve built excellent relationships with our suppliers and fellow traders. We work closely with a local scaffolding company, M&L Scaffold UK Ltd, so can easily arrange scaffolding for the rendering work, which is factored into the initial quote.

To enquire about Colourend Ltd’s rendering services, please call 07515 363353 or email . A member of the team will be happy to assist.