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Blue Daisy

Blue Daisy is dedicated to shōjo manga Dengeki Daisy by Motomi Kyousuke. The series has been published since 2007 in Betsucomi magazine and is still ongoing. Currently, scanlated by s2scans.
This blog is spoiler free! (nothing farther than scanlation)
Dec 28 '13
Dengeki Daisy chapter 61: Attack
Chiharu calls Kurosaki to tell him that Akira’s disappeared and is determined to get the “key” to M’s Testament. Meanwhile Teru pays a visit to Takeda to bring back his dog Kaoruko. Takeda makes Teru embarrassed...

Dengeki Daisy chapter 61: Attack

Chiharu calls Kurosaki to tell him that Akira’s disappeared and is determined to get the “key” to M’s Testament. Meanwhile Teru pays a visit to Takeda to bring back his dog Kaoruko. Takeda makes Teru embarrassed talking about her relationship with Tasuku when suddenly Kaoruko senses something bad and seconds later the power goes out. Out of the darkness appears Akira with a surprise attack on Teru, but she manages to defend herself. It turns out that Akira believes that he’s a grandson of Professor Midorikawa and that’s why the Testament is so important to him. But there’s something else they don’t know about him…

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