ARCHIVED: In Mac OS X, what are Docklings, Dock Extras, and Docklets?

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Note: Docklings are not available in Mac OS X 10.1 or later. Improvements to the Dock and menu bar have replaced this feature.

Docklings, also called Dock Extras and Docklets, are programs that reside in the Mac OS X. When you Ctrl-click a Dockling, instead of opening a document, folder, or application, it will display a menu or show information.

Mac OS X 10.0.x bundles several built-in Docklings, including:

  • Monitors Dockling: Switches your screen resolution and color depth.
  • Battery Monitor Dockling: Provides a reading of the battery power left for PowerBook and iBook users.
  • Signal Strength Dockling: Displays the level of signal a computer is receiving from a wireless network.
  • iTunes Dockling: Controls functions of the iTunes application.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 13:15:22.