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Breaking News! President Putin Calls for End to Cetacean Captures in Russian Waters

Topics: belugas, Captivity Industry, Orcas, Russia

By Mark J. Palmer

Today, at a press conference in Russia, President Vladimir Putin was asked if he supported efforts to end the live captures of whales and dolphins in Russian waters, and he said YES.

This is wonderful news. For several years, Russian environmental activists have been working closely with members of the Russian Duma to forge legislation that would end the captures.

Earlier, in 2019, Mr. Putin’s support had been key to a successful effort to bring 87 beluga whales and ten orcas back to their home waters, freeing them from the notorious "Whale Jail."

This week one of parliament’s committees in Moscow was deciding on additions, including a new law that would have prohibited the capture of whales and dolphins for “educational and entertainment” purposes. It was not a sure thing that this committee would reject or accept these amendments.

But today, President Vladimir Putin was at a press conference and in reply to a reporter about this issue, Mr. Putin said:

«Вы предлагаете запретить вылов с целью такой развлекательной? Ну да, согласен, давайте так и сделаем, хорошо»

This translates into English: “You are suggesting that we prohibit any capture for entertainment purposes? Well, yes, I agree, let’s go ahead and do it, good.”

His comments were recorded and broadcast on TV.

The Whale Jail has been emptied, with the belugas and orcas returned to the ocean. New legislation, endorsed by President Putin, would ban captures of dolphins and whales in Russian waters for captivity.

Upon hearing this statement, one of the parliament deputies, Mr. Burmatov, who introduced the amendments in the first place, posted the following on his Instagram account:

Круто. Президент только что поддержал нашу идею запретить вылов китообразных в культурно-развлекательных целях. Ранее, напомню, мы с коллегами внесли поправку в законодательство, запрещающую этот аморальный промысел, в котором нет ни «культуры», ни «развлечений», а есть только циничная нажива, китовые тюрьмы и незаконный экспорт нашего национального достояния зарубеж. Сегодня Владимир Путин на заседании Совета по развитию гражданского общества и правам человека поддержал идею запретить вылов китообразных в культурно-развлекательных целях. Так победим! Спасибо Президенту!


"That’s cool. The President just came out in support of our idea to prohibit the capture of cetaceans for cultural/entertainment purposes. As you know my colleagues and I had already introduced amendments to legislation that would have prohibited this amoral industry from this kind of work, work that is neither cultural nor entertaining, but is done simply for cynical profits by creating whale jails and illegally exporting these national treasures overseas. Today Vladimir Putin was attending a meeting of the Council on Civil Society and the Rights of Man, and there he came out supporting the idea of prohibiting the capture of cetaceans for entertainment purposes. So we’re going to win. Thank you Mr. President!”

Furthermore, the Russian Minister of the Environment, Mr. Alexander Kozlov, came out in the newspaper Izvestiya today saying that his Ministry also supports this legal prohibition.

The next few weeks will be critical as the Russian Parliament (Duma) considers the question and votes on the amendments. Having President Putin’s endorsement will be key to this legislation’s success.

In related news, AFP and the Moscow Times reported that the Whale Jail facility has been dismantled, cheering environmentalists.

A big thanks to all who worked to achieve this significant step forward. Russia remains the world’s only current source for captive orcas and beluga whales, torn from their families and their ocean homes to be sold to aquariums in China and other countries.

Great news for the holidays!


The International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island Institute has played a key role in coordinating efforts in Russia and efforts worldwide to successfully free orcas and beluga whales from Russia’s Whale Jail and now for an end to captures of whales and dolphins for captivity in Russian waters. Your support has been a key reason for our success! We could not have done it without you. We hope you will join us in celebration with our Russian friends. Your donations are important to help us see this through. Thank you so much! We wish you all happy holidays and a wonderful New Year.