Super Princess® White Dogwood

Cornus Florida var. 'Super Princess'
Mature Height: 15 to 20 ft.
Mature Spread: 15 to 20 ft.

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The Cherokee Princess® Dogwood is a new and improved version of the classic cultivar characterized by an early and abundant display of snow white blooms. This dogwood makes a wonderful show piece near to your home or patio, in an open space, or nestled among other trees. In the spring, the sheer volume of blooms will blow you away, and in the fall and early winter brick red leaves add to your homes appeal, and abundant, red berries will attract a variety of song birds to your yard..

Bloom Color:Crisp white
Bloom Period:Early to Mid Spring
Fall Color:A rusty brick red mixed with shades of purple, yellow, and orange
Foliage Color:Green; new foliage is bright green
Genus & Species:Cornus Florida var. 'Super Princess'
Growth Rate:Slow to moderate
Mature Height:15 to 20 ft.
Mature Spread:15 to 20 ft.
Soil Type:Adaptable, but prefers moist, well draining soil that is rich in organic matter
Sun Exposure:Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Zone:5 to 9

General care for any tree or shrub is easy, but like any living thing will require your attention. Please educate yourself and follow these simple rules.

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Based on 1 review
Elaine Negron

Super Princess® White Dogwood