Oh no, Lara Quigaman finds sudden bald spot on her head!

Lara Quigaman was tying her hair when her husband Marco Alcaraz saw a bald spot on her head.
by Myrna Fernando
Published Jan 11, 2019 | Updated Jan 11, 2019
<p>Lara Quigaman was tying her hair when her husband Marco Alcaraz saw a bald spot on her head.</p>
PHOTO/S: @laraquigaman on Instagram

Precious Lara Quigaman has a bald spot.

It was actually discovered by her husband Marco Alcaraz while she was tying her hair.

The former Miss International began to worry because she has always had thick hair.

And according to the American Academy of Dermatology, "some 40 percent of women have visible hair loss by age 40."

Lara, who is 36 years old, "started googling."

Her findings: "Turns out it's a normal postpartum thing..."

It is a "temporary phase," stated Parents.com.

Losing a number of strands daily is part of the normal cycle of hair growth.

However, during pregnancy, "the increased levels of estrogen freezes hair in the growing (or 'resting') phase of the cycle," resulting in thicker hair.

The article further explained that after giving birth, the "estrogen levels decline, however, all that hair that was resting starts to fall out."

This happens on the "third or fourth postpartum and ends by six months," and may last for a year.


Lara gave birth on September 17, 2018.

And to the new mommies who are experiencing the same, hair can either fall from all over the head, sometimes in clumps, or around the hairline.

IMAGE @laraquigaman on Instagram

The Kapamilya actress found comfort in two Bible verses and the sweet words of Marco.


"I'm reminded of Matthew 6:34 and Philippians 4:6 my Bible verses for 2019... and if I'm worried, it means I don't trust God and when I don't I'm sure I would lose more hair and more than that, the peace that's already mine—that He so generously gave when I gave my life to Him.

"So I stopped, umawra, smiled and took selfies instead and thanked Him for the rest of my hair that's not falling off and a million other things I should be grateful for and just gave Him all my worries and concerns.

"He holds my future so a head full of hair—He definitely can hold that together too!
"Bonus pa, He gave me a husband who said he loves me even if I turn bald!"

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<p>Lara Quigaman was tying her hair when her husband Marco Alcaraz saw a bald spot on her head.</p>
PHOTO/S: @laraquigaman on Instagram
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