Introduction: Making Sense of the Unknowable

The most common and basic form of human communication is face-to-face conversation. When a few people talk to each other, there is constant feedback: when one person holds the floor, the others constantly nod their heads, make small interjections ("yeah, that's for sure") and otherwise give the speaker feedback. People are so naturally hungry for feedback that, even when there's nothing to say, we feel compelled to fill the space with idle chit-chat and interaction -- that's what all those pointless comments about the weather are about. (If you want to test how much we need feedback, try this: next time a friend talks to you casually, try providing no feedback; do not react at all, don't nod your head, say nothing, and just stare. I promise that within 30-40 seconds both of you will be very uncomfortable.)

Perhaps the most distinctive thing about modern mass media are their lack of feedback. If you communicate to people by say, printing a million copies of a magazine and sending them out to the world, or by talking into a TV camera lens which sends signals out into the air, you are putting yourself in the unusual situation of communicating with basically no feedback from your audience. As human communication goes, this is very odd and difficult. The mass communicator is in the position of your friend when you just stare blankly and don't respond.

There is a great deal of talk in the media about the "audience," about the readers, listeners and viewers. But it is important to acknowledge from the outset that the "audience" is not a name for something that we know about; it's a name for something about which we lack information. The "audience" really is a word for a problem, the problem of no feedback. Todd Gitlin, in an article we read earlier, calls this "The Problem of Knowing," pp. 19-30. The audience is a riddle, not a description of a thing known, of an object out there. The audience is a name for a mystery, a mystery that we in modern society have made for ourselves.

Problems with the concept of the "masses" and "mass media"

There are a variety of ways of trying to solve the mystery of the audience. One of these are the interlinked concepts of "the masses" and "mass society" -- the concepts implied by the term "mass media" itself. In the 20th century there has been a scholarly tradition of thought called "mass society theory." Mass society theory speculated that in modern industrial societies, people are no longer differentiated by community or class or other social groupings; people are lumped together in "masses" which means they are a huge, undifferentiated group composed of anonymous, atomized individuals -- a gray, lonely crowd. People who work in the media sometimes use informal versions of this theory when they try to guess what their audience is like. They sometimes say things like "we need to reach Joe Six Pack," for example, by which they mean some working class guy, sprawled in his Lazy Boy after a day on the job, remote in one hand, a can of beer in the other.

But Joe Six Pack is a stereotype. If someone working in the media speaks of "Joe Six Pack," it's a pretty safe bet that he or she doesn't actually know many people fitting that description; if he or she did, they'd talk about actual people, not about a stereotype.

Raymond Williams once said, "There are no masses, only ways of seeing people as masses." Nobody ever says "I am part of the masses." The masses are a way of referring to people we do not know, a way to try to make sense of others in a modern society where we are connected abstractedly to thousands or millions of others that we can never really get to know face-to-face. Williams always insisted that "the masses," or related stereotypes like "Joe Six Pack," are an inadequate way to understand others. Real people, Williams argued, are unique individuals living in specific communities living rich, complicated lives. Speaking of folks as "masses" is condescending, a way of pretending we know more about people than we really do.

The Television Industry's View of the Audience: Sit Down and Be Counted

In an advertising-supported mass media, the predominant form of feedback is quantitative audience ratings. If you work for American commercial TV, you basically have to imagine the audience as a set of numbers. There are arguments about the accuracy of the ratings, but before you look at that, it helps to start by asking, "Why are there ratings in the first place?"

This might seem like a dumb question; how else, you might ask, are we to know who's watching? Well, there's a simple answer: you could ask them. You could hold a vote, for example. In Holland, for a long time that was how it was decided what would go on TV; every year, people would get to vote for various groups that advocated different kinds of programming, from sports to religion. Groups could put their programming on TV according to how many votes they got. No need for ratings measurement. (Another example closer to home is Mad Magazine. Mad does not gather circulation statistics, because it doesn't have to: it has no advertising.)

So why don't we hold a vote to see what people want to have on TV? The short answer is this: the language of money is numbers. Back in the 1920s, when it first became clear that our broadcasting system was going to be funded by advertising, a need arose to somehow reach arrangements between the now most important parties in the new business -- the broadcasters and the advertisers. A broadcaster couldn't just tell an advertiser, "a whole lot of people listen to my program; trust me." What was needed was some basis for bargaining over the dollar value of air time. The ratings numbers, therefore, could frame broadcasting in a language amenable to buying and selling. The ratings exist, therefore, primarily because of their value to industry members as a basis for bargaining and coordination among themselves. The accuracy and adequacy of the ratings, as far as the industry is concerned, is a secondary matter.

We'll look at how this logic plays out in the specifics of the ratings, but first it helps to notice that asking someone to express a point of view, as did the Dutch system, involves asking them to be active, to reflect on something and then take action. An advertising-oriented ratings sytem, by contrast, wants people to be passive: the CEO of the Nielsen Media Research company that dominates audience measurement in the US and many other countries once described "totally passive measurement" as the "Holy Grail" of the ratings industry. "Totally passive" measurement means people do not think or take any action at all; their viewing habits are just automatically transmitted to the broadcasters without them even knowing about it.

This is the "portable people meter," a beeper-like device being developed by Arbitron. It logs programming seen or heard anytime, anywhere by whomever is wearing it. The gadget requires nothing of participants other than to wear it during the day and place it in a home docking station each night so data can be collected and transmitted to Arbitron. The device uses sensitive microphones to pick up codes embedded in television, radio and even streaming Internet broadcasts - and it includes a motion detector to verify someone is actually wearing it."

arbitron meter

The Accuracy Controversy

Nobody says the ratings are totally worthless, but nobody says they're the most accurate thing in the world, either. Like all statistics, the ratings are just an educated guess, and they are an educated guess by for-profit companies; Nielsen Media Research, Inc. and Arbitron -- the two major ratings providers -- are not going to spend a penny more on ratings accuracy than they need to to sell their goods.

So the controversy lies in deciding how GOOD a guess the ratings are, particularly -- are they good enough to base major programming decisions on?