Simple homemade pregnancy test with sugar

Homemade pregnancy tests use the most common ingredients available in one's kitchen. Know the things to keep in mind when doing homemade pregnancy tests.
Simple homemade pregnancy test with sugarSimple homemade pregnancy test with sugar

Finding out that you are pregnant is one of the joyous moments in a woman's life. Sugar pregnancy test is a very simple way that can be done at home with just some sugar. A lot of women try homemade pregnancy tests because of their lack of access to proper clinics or medical stores from where they can get a pregnancy test kit. For these women, the best form of pregnancy test that comes in handy is DIY test. There are various other ways to test your pregnancy using a homemade pregnancy kit like bleach, toothpaste or soap. It is imperative for one to be cautious before picking the type of homemade pregnancy test to use. DIY home pregnancy test with sugar is not harmful.


Things to Keep in Mind while Performing Homemade Pregnancy Test

Even if the results of the home pregnancy tests with sugar show that you are not pregnant, you must visit the doctor to be sure that you really are not pregnant. This is because the pregnancy tests done at home can be inaccurate and will therefore, make you miss on the very important prenatal care that you need during pregnancy. The ingredients that you pick for your home pregnancy test must be chosen wisely because some of these products can do more harm than benefit. One such ingredient that is most commonly used in home pregnancy tests is bleach, which while being used, must not be inhaled.

Basics of Home Pregnancy Tests

Any homemade pregnancy test is done to check for the presence of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, in the urine. The amount of hCG that is present in a woman’s urine determines whether she is pregnant or not.  A woman releases this hormone the most when she is pregnant.

Also read: Learn the Technique of Pregnancy Testing at Home for Accurate Results

The Best Time to Take Home Pregnancy Test with Sugar

The best time to take a home pregnancy test with sugar is in the morning, immediately after one has got up from sleep. The first morning urine is usually not diluted and is the best to tell if one is pregnant or not.

How to Do Homemade Pregnancy Test with Sugar?

To perform home pregnancy test with sugar, take a bowl and add two to three spoons of sugar into it. When you have an urge to urinate, pee into the bowl. Watch out for the reaction. If the sugar dissolves, you are not pregnant, but if it clumps up, you certainly are. Try to use this method in the morning to get the most accurate results.

Also read: Homemade Pregnancy Tests - Take Pregnancy Test at the Comfort of your Home

You should visit your doctor to know accurate results. Homemade pregnancy tests must be used only when other alternatives are not available.

Read more articles on Pregnancy Tests.

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