Love of May

Love of May

Album by Shin Hye-sung
Release date: May 6, 2005
Genres: R&B/Soul, Pop, and Korea Ballads
Shin Hyesung - Love of May ˇ Shin Hye Sung - 선물 [Audio] ˇ Shin Hye Sung - 후에... [Audio] ˇ Shin Hye Sung - 사랑...사랑... [Audio] ˇ Shin Hye Sung - Don't [Audio].
Shin Hye Sung 1st Album Love of May CD Great Cond. Shinhwa K-POP KPOP Rare OOP ; Artist. Shin Hye Sung ; Format. CD ; Accurate description. 5.0 ; Reasonable ...
14-day returns
Aug 27, 2005 ˇ Hye Sung takes on the pop world alone! Shinhwa's golden romeo Shin Hye Sung is already to captivate you with his premier LP "May Love".
Shinhwa shin hye sung 1st album love of may ; Returns. Accepted within 14 days. Buyer pays return shipping ; YomiYoma (2268) ; Detailed seller ratings. Average for ...
Studio albums ; 五.月.之.戀 (Love of May) ; Released: May 6, 2005 (EKLD-0578) ...
Shin Hye Sung Shinhwa Love of May ; 신혜성_Shin Hye Sung_ 같은생각 M/V Full Ver. LIVEWORKS COMPANY ; 050512 부엔까미노&같은생각 첫방송. Hs S.
Shin Hyesung – Love of May album. $12.00. Shin Hyesung's first album, Love of May. Condition: New, bottom of seal is broken (as pictured). 1 in stock. Shin ...
The album Love of May by Shin Hyesung, signed on front. This is the special edition with cd and vcd included, also includes two stickers sheets.