inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
. There is much in this book to interest and excite those who discuss, research or deliver education."—Ann Fullick, New Scientist "A compelling vision for today's uncertain educational system."—Library Journal "Almost anyone involved at ...
inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
Independent researcher Sarangapani examines children's experience of schooling in an Indian government run village primary school.
inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of thorough and integrative literature reviews on a diverse array of topics of interest to the higher education scholarly and policy communities.
inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
This edition includes new chapters on caring for physician-patients, communicating with colleagues, disclosing unexpected outcomes and medical errors, shared decision making and informed consent, and teaching communication skills.
inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
This authoritative and comprehensive text provides a source of advice and guidance for trainee and practising English teachers at both primary and secondary level.
inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
" Christine Woodcock, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts What is New of the Fourth Edition? A new full-color design and increased trim size make this already-friendly book even friendlier.
inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
The enforcement of these laws victimized men and women labeled "feebleminded," African Americans, and Native Americans for over forty years. However, this is much more than the story of majority agents dominating minority subjects.
inauthor: Charles M. Leaming from
This volume assesses the history of eugenics in the United States and its status in the age of the Human Genome Project. The essays explore the early support of compulsory sterilization by doctors and legislators.