Gilbert Burnet (18 September 1643 – 17 March 1715) was a Scottish philosopher and historian, and Bishop of Salisbury. He was fluent in Dutch, French, Latin, ...
Gilbert Burnet

Gilbert Burnet

Scottish historian
Gilbert Burnet was a Scottish philosopher and historian, and Bishop of Salisbury. He was fluent in Dutch, French, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Burnet was highly respected as a cleric, a preacher, an academic, a writer and a historian. Wikipedia

Gilbert Burnet (1643-1715). English bishop and historian, was born in Edinburgh on the 15th of September 1643, of an ancient and distinguished Scottish house.
Gilbert Burnet was born in 1643, when England and Scotland were vexed by religious and political conflict; and he became a churchman early in life.
Gilbert Burnet lived from 18 September 1643 to 17 March 1715. He was a theologian and historian who became Bishop of Salisbury.
Gilbert Burnet. (1643-1715), Bishop of Salisbury and historian. Later Stuart Portraits Catalogue Entry. Sitter associated with 25 portraits
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715: Bishop Gilbert Burnet as educationist, being his Thoughts on education, with notes and life of the author (Printed for the ...
412 free public domain works of Gilbert Burnet via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
For historians of the late seventeenth century, Gilbert Burnet's History of My. Own Time remains a crucial source. However, his History of the Reformation ...
Bishop Burnet's history of his own time. From the Restoration of King Charles II to the conclusion of the treaty of peace at Utrecht, in the reign of Queen Anne ...
Gilbert Burnet, later bishop of Salisbury. Burnet recorded their religious discussions in Some Passages of the Life and Death of John, Earl of Rochester (1680).