Joshua Toulmin

Joshua Toulmin

Joshua Toulmin of Taunton, England was a noted theologian and a serial Dissenting minister of Presbyterian, Baptist, and then Unitarian congregations. Wikipedia
Born: April 30, 1740, London, United Kingdom
Died: July 23, 1815 (age 75 years), Birmingham, United Kingdom
Children: Harry Toulmin
Joshua Toulmin (11 May [OS 30 April] 1740 – 23 July 1815) of Taunton, England was a noted theologian and a serial Dissenting minister
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The Online Books Page. Online Books by. Joshua Toulmin. (Toulmin, Joshua, 1740-1815). A Wikipedia article about this author is available.
Joshua Toulmin Smith (born 29 May 1816 – death 28 April 1869) was a British political theorist, lawyer and local historian of Birmingham.
Also known as: Joshua Toulmin: primary name: primary name: Toulmin, Joshua ; Details: British; Male ; Other dates: 1740-1815 ; Biography: DD; unitarian minister; ...
11 free public domain works of Joshua Toulmin via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
Theologian and a serial Dissenting minister of Presbyterian (1761–1764), Baptist (1765–1803), and then Unitarian (1804–1815) congregations.
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Local Self-Government Un-Mystified: A Vindication of Common Sense, Human Nature, and Practical Improvement, Against the Manifesto of Centralism Put Forth at the ...
The History of the Town of Taunton. Taunton: T. Norris, 1791. Cloth/no dust jacket Quarto. Hardcover. brown cloth, gilt lettering, no dust jacket, 192 pp, ...
Joshua Toulmin Smith (1816-1869) was born in Birmingham, the son of an economic and educational reformer, radical and Unitarian. At the age of 21 he moved to ...