What is sanctification? How can we have revival? Many people wonder about "the anointing." If you are one of those people, Dr. Mark Hanby's Anointing the Unsanctified can answer these and other questions about the anointing.
You Have Not Many Fathers serves to "turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." (Malachi 4:6)
Do you need renewal? Everything in the natural, from birds to blood cells, must either undergo a process of renewal or enter into death. Our spiritual life is no different. With this book, your renewal can begin today!
"Things" can never bring fulfillment, but they can be enjoyed from a place of fulfillment.Mark Hanby and Darrell Scott pour over 110 combined years of acquired wisdom from their own journeys into this book, which is a roadmap to help you ...
In this book, Dr. Hanby details the essential ingredients of directional relationship that allow the Spirit of God to flow down upon the Body of Christ -and from us to the needs of a dying world.
Similarly, the form of true faith is shaped by a trusting response to the hand of God in a suffering situation. This book offers essential understanding for victory through the struggles of life.