A Verse by Verse Commentary on Revelation · Elder G. E. Jones · 4.44.4 out of 5 stars. (8) ; That Ye May Marvel or: The Significance of Bible Numbers · G. E. Jones.
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Elder Jones has listed the significance of 17 Bible numbers and gives us the meanings of the materials of the tabernacle, such as gold, silver, brass, blue, ...
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In the tabernacle, it's furniture, and its service, God has hidden an inexhaustible mine of precious spiritual truths. For years many of us have passed over ...
He was ordained to the ministry in 1912. He pastored various churches in Arkansas and Missouri. He was engaged in over 400 revival meetings and Bible schools in ...
In May of 2002 Elder Gerald G. Jones was licensed as a minister at Gospel Temple COGIC, under the leadership of Pastor Jamaal Cole. Now God is raising Elder ...
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Elder Jones reveals the meanings of over 40 Bible numbers, along with 15 Bible doctrines and other relevant subjects including numerical evidence regarding ...
Elder Jones' Missionary Experience. 251 likes. This page is for all who wish to connect with Elder Jones and get updates about how his mission is...
Elder Jones, recently sustained as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy, was born in Safford, Arizona, to Virgil and Nellie Baker Jones on 17 September ...
Apr 6, 2003 · By Elder Spencer V. Jones, Quorums of the Seventy. Every decision we make, good or bad, carries an accompanying consequence. I grew up in what ...
Through the 1890's Elder A. T. Jones was much in Battle Creek. He attended all sessions of the General Conference from 1888 to 1905, and often presented ...