... George Pullen Jackson , White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands ( Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press ... Jones is now regarded as an elder statesman of country music . Louisiana's Honky Tonk Man Buddy Jones , 1935-41 ...
... Elder Benson's Going to Catch It!” Saturday Evening Post, March 28, 1953, 112; Lincoln Star, March 22, 1953; Benson ... Jones, Time, May 4, 1953, 8. Houston G. Jones's background is described in Jeannine D. Whitlow, ed., The ...
... Elder Norvell Robertson Sr. , " Autobiogra- phy , " 43 . 25. The charges against Whitehead were introduced in January 1836 ( Records , Leaf River Baptist Church ) ; Amos McLemore of Leaf River Baptist Church is identified in Rudy ...
... JONES , A. Historical sketch of the electric telegraph . New York , 1852. 8 ... GE - GA - GAH - BOWH . George Copway . Life , let- ters , etc. New York ... Elder , W. Philadelphia 1858 , 5892 W. M. New York , 1846. 12 ° 2561 8 ...
... George Lamming : Essays , Addresses and Interviews 1953–1990 , ed . Andaiye and Richard Drayton ( London : Karia , 1992 ) , 149-70 . 137. Cited in Buzz Johnson , ed . , “ I Think of My Mother ” Notes on the Life and Times of Claudia Jones ...
... Elder Norvell Robertson Sr. , “ Autobiogra- phy , ” 43 . 25. The charges against Whitehead were introduced in January 1836 ( Records , Leaf River Baptist Church ) ; Amos McLemore of Leaf River Baptist Church is identified in Rudy ...
... in author- ship from Sir Philip Sidney to Conrad Aiken . In two cases ... elder brothers and sisters . The five are George Santayana , William Ellery Leonard , Edna St. Vincent Millay , Thomas S. Jones ... in this noble company ...
In "Ayn Rand Nation," Weiss explores the people and institutions that continue to be heavily influenced by Rand's work, particularly in the current political and economic climate.