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These are surprise, the quality of opposing forces, the success of friendly forces with which the Rangers were cooperating, and popular support.
inauthor: william george bryant ph.d from
... George C. Wallace , " Montgomery , Alabama , Jan- uary 14 , 1963 , copy in author's possession . 2. Montgomery ... William J. Northen's Public and Personal Struggles Against Lynching , " in Jane Dailey , Glenda Elizabeth Gil- more ...
inauthor: william george bryant ph.d from
This lively, practical text presents a fresh and comprehensive approach to doing qualitative research. The book offers a unique balance of theory and clear-cut choices for customizing every phase of a qualitative study.
inauthor: william george bryant ph.d from
... William James, 1842–1942, ed. Brand Blanshard (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942), 58–71; on James re: masculinity and gender, Jane Martin, “Martial Virtues or Capital Vices? William James's Moral Equivalent of War Revisited ...
inauthor: william george bryant ph.d from
... William Strong . Pa ... Joseph P. Bradley , N. J ... Ward Hunt , N. Y ... George Shiras , Jr. , Pa .... 11892-1903 11 1832 1836 Howell E. Jackson ... D ... John R. Hazel ....... III .: N. D ..... C . C. Kohlsaat .. S. D ...... J ...
inauthor: william george bryant ph.d from
In The School of Greatness, Howes shares the essential tips and habits he gathered in interviewing “the greats” on his wildly popular podcast of the same name.
inauthor: william george bryant ph.d from
For additional historical publications produced by the U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command, please check out these resources here: Year 2016 marked the 71st anniversary of ...
inauthor: william george bryant ph.d from
... George Jarvis , mineralogist ; born in Brooklyn , 1831 ; private school education ; studied chemistry and mineralogy at New Haven ; LL . D ... William Jennings , editor , orator , and publicist ; born in Salem , Ill ... Ph . D .; LL ...