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What is the internet? | Definition from TechTarget
The internet is a packet-routing network that uses IP and TCP protocols for communication. When a person visits a website, their computer or mobile device sends...
33 months ago
FCC calls 25 Mbps ‘broadband’ speed. The push is on to up it to 100.
Washington Post
After years of the same old thing, the rules of broadband internet may finally get rewritten. Under the current definition, set by the...
29 months ago
The FCC wants to change the definition of 'high-speed' internet
The change would bump minimum specs for high-speed internet from 25 mb/s up to 100 mb/s.
29 months ago
The American Federal Definition of Broadband Is Both Useless and Harmful
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Definitions matter. Especially when those definitions come from the federal government. In the case of “broadband,” the definition set by...
53 months ago
The FCC Quadrupled the Definition of Minimum Broadband Speeds. Here's Why It Matters
The Federal Communications Commission on March 14 voted that the definition of broadband was outdated, increasing the threshold from 25Mbps download and 3Mbps...
7 months ago
Why the Internet of Things is called Internet of Things: Definition, history, disambiguation
IoT Analytics
a proposed development of the Internet in which objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data.
120 months ago
The FCC has finally decreed that 25Mbps and 3Mbps are not ‘broadband’ speed
The Verge
The FCC has changed its definition of “broadband” to mean download speeds of 100Mbps and upload speeds of 20Mbps. It had been stuck at...
9 months ago
Why Use a Dictionary in the Age of Internet Search? (Published 2021)
The New York Times
Dictionaries reward you for paying attention, both to the things you consume and to your own curiosity.
38 months ago
If Any Economic Activity Meets the Definition of Interstate Commerce, It’s the Internet
American Enterprise Institute
If ever there were an economic activity that met the definition of interstate commerce, however, it is the internet. Congress has the...
87 months ago
How Much Broadband Speed Do Americans Need?
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Broadband is reliable high-speed internet. The current definition set by the FCC is speeds of 25 megabits per second for downloads and 3 megabits per second...
49 months ago