Emanuele Coccia argues that metamorphosis – the phenomenon that allows the same life to subsist in disparate bodies – is the relationship that binds all species together and unites the living with the non-living.
There have only been a handful of such times in human evolution. This is such a time. In just a few short years, the Human Race will create the AI Cocoon.
Metamorphoses--the best-known poem by one of the wittiest poets of classical antiquity--takes as its theme change and transformation, as illustrated by Greco-Roman myth and legend.
... metamorphosis , and many lower Crustacea pass through changes in their development more or less defined . Among Molluscs the Gasteropoda and Pte- ropoda exemplify classes in which metamorphosis is represented ; and in Tunicates a ...
Metamorphosis is most often used as an index of crisis: an existential crisis of the subject or a crisis in a society's moral, social or cultural values.
If that is so, Pastor Mercedes Perez has experienced several processes of transformation in her life, as a woman, a wife, a mother, daughter and friend.