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subject:"Forests and forestry" from
This document traces the history of the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range since its establishment on July 11, 1940.
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
Taxation imposes a burden on all forms of enterprise.
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
Die Waldarbeit ist eine körperlich anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit und geht mit intensiven Belastungen des Stütz- und Bewegungsapparates einher.
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
This is not a set of directions for setting up a system of farm accounts, nor is it a complete set of instructions for filling out an income-tax blank.
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
Depuis les annees 90, le dialogue international sur les forets a mis en exergue le role des politiques des autres secteurs sur les forets ainsi que les moyens de mettre en place un amenagement durable des forets.
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
Handboek voor het verzamelen, de opslag en het gebruik van stuifmeel bij het bosbouwkundig veredelingswerk. Behandeld worden naaldbomen uit het zuiden van de Verenigde Staten, evenals enige loofbomen, waaronder Eucalyptus spp.
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
The author tackles his subject firstly in three sections: 'On Timber in General', 'The Timber of Dicotyledonous Tress' and 'Coniferous Timber Trees', followed by appendices on uses of timber, tensile and vertical strength, elasticity and ...
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
Réunis en symposium à Klingenthal à l'initiative de Pax Christi et de la Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer, des représentants de religions et de cultures du monde entier ont partagé la richesse symbolique revêtue par l'arbre et la ...
subject:"Forests and forestry" from
Addresses the incorporation of agricultural, forestry and fisheries planning into integrated coastal area management.