Killer Toon is a 2013 South Korean satirical psychological horror thriller film directed by Kim Yong-gyun, and starring Lee Si-young and Um Ki-joon. Killer ...
Popular horror web-comic artist Ji Yoon finds life imitating her own work when her publisher turns up dead in a way, precisely mirrors the images in her ...
The publisher of a web comic receives a submission that foretells her unusual death, putting the artist in the midst of a phantasmagoric mystery.
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What is the story of Killer Toon?
Killer Toon
2013 ‧ Horror/Mystery ‧ 1h 44m
6.2/10 · IMDb
48% · Rotten Tomatoes
While investigating the murder of a webcomic editor-in-chief, Ki-chul comes across a webcomic that predicted the murder before it took place, even down to the exact position of the body.
Release date: June 27, 2013 (South Korea)
Director: Kim Yong-gyun
Distributed by: CJ Entertainment
Language: Korean
· Review by reelybored
Hailing from South Korea, Killer Toon is about a famous artist whose work seems to come to life. As you might expect, this puts her on the radar of local law ...
Oct 14, 2020 · Kim, who had taken a young girl under her wing out of pure compassion turns out to be a homicidal lunatic, who murdered her in cold-blood. Her ...
While investigating the murder of a webcomic editor-in-chief, Ki-chul comes across a webcomic that predicted the murder before it took place, ...
Detective Lee Ki-Cheol (Uhm Ki-Joon) investigate a series of killings which take place around webcomic writer Ji-Yoon (Lee Si-Young).
Killer Toon (2013) ... Popular horror webcomic artist Ji-yoon finds life imitating her own work when her publisher turns up dead in a way, precisely mirrors the ...
While investigating the murder of a webcomic editor-in-chief, Ki-chul comes across a webcomic that predicted the murder before it took place, ...
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