The Last Princess
2016 ‧ Action/Drama ‧ 2h 7m
7.1/10 ˇ IMDb
72% ˇ Rotten Tomatoes
The last remaining princess of the Joseon Dynasty leaves her home for Japan, under Japanese colonial rule. Her childhood friend makes a vow to retrieve her and help her make her way back to Korea.
Release date: September 9, 2016 (USA)
Director: Hur Jin-ho
Distributed by: Lotte Entertainment
Based on: Princess Deokhye; by Kwon Bi-young
Box office: US$39.3 million
Produced by: Kim Jung-hwa
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The film depicts Princess Deokhye's life in Japan after she was forced to move there at age 13 by the Imperial Japanese government, and her attempts to return ...
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The last remaining princess of the Joseon Dynasty leaves her home for Japan, under Japanese colonial rule. Her childhood friend makes a vow to retrieve her ...
Princess Deok-Hye was the last princess of Korea. Under Japanese colonial rule, she is taken to Japan as a hostage.
This is a biographical film of the last Korean princess to be crowned. Though the film clearly briefs her power struggle over the foreign power. The entire tale ...
Princess Deokhye (Son Ye-Jin) was the last princess of Korea. Under Japanese colonial rule, she is taken to Japan as a hostage.
Forced into a life of exile in Japan at age 13, Joseon's last princess fights against all odds to reclaim her independence and finally return home.
Deok-hye, the last Princess of the declining Joseon Dynasty, is forced to move to Japan. She spends her days missing home, while struggling to maintain dignity ...
In the shadows of Japan's colonial grip, Deok-hye, the last princess of Joseon, longs for her homeland. Torn between duty and her fading royal identity, ...
The last princess of the Korean royal family. She was born on 25 May 1912, at Changdeok Palace, in Seoul, as the youngest daughter of Emperor Gojong.
Feb 7, 2023 ˇ Princess Deokhye was born on the 25th of May 1912, at Changdeok Palace in Seoul. Her father was the Emperor Gojong, and her mother, Yang Gwi-in, one of his ...
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