Arthur Ashley Sykes (1684–1756) was an Anglican religious writer, known as an inveterate controversialist. Sykes was a latitudinarian of the school of ...
Arthur Ashley Sykes was an Anglican religious writer, known as an inveterate controversialist. Sykes was a latitudinarian of the school of Benjamin Hoadly, and a friend and student of Isaac Newton. Wikipedia
Born: 1684, London, United Kingdom
Died: 1756 (age 72 years), Cavendish Square, London, United Kingdom
This is a list of the publications of Arthur Ashley Sykes (1684–1756), an English cleric who wrote controversial pamphlets over three or four decades, ...
The collection provides evidence that Sykes was indeed a serious scholar and kept company with some of the noted English theologians of his time. It reveals to ...
22 free public domain works of Arthur Ashley Sykes via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
Dec 29, 2020 ˇ Sykes was a voluminous controversial writer of the school of Hoadly. The catalogue of his works, chiefly pamphlets, prefixed to Disney's ' ...
Sykes discusses the Christian's first duties, to love God and to love his neighbour, which he uses to argue for religious tolerance.
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Clarke's Exposition of the Church-catechism. Wherein the Difference Between Moral and Positive Duties is Fully Stated. by Arthur Ashley Sykes.
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Results for "Arthur Ashley Sykes"(9). The Scripture Doctrine of the Redemption of man by Jesus Christ. In two Parts. ... By Arthur Ashley Sykes, D.D (Hardcover).
"Sykes, Arthur Ashley (c. 1684–1756), Church of England clergyman and religious controversialist" published on by Oxford University Press.
... Arthur Ashley Sykes, Arthur Ashley, 1683 or 1684-1756. Printed for James and John Knapton, 1732 at the University of Missouri Libraries.