Selections from the Letters and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln
Book by Leon Cushing Prince and Lewis Herbert Chrisman
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This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. ... Google Books
Originally published: 1912
Authors: Lewis Herbert Chrisman and Leon Cushing Prince
Editors: Lewis Herbert Chrisman and Leon Cushing Prince
Title. Selections from the letters and speeches of Abraham Lincoln, ; Names. Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865; Prince, Leon C. (Leon Cushing), 1875- editor; Chrisman, ...
Contributor: Chrisman, Lewis Herbert - Prince, Leon C. (Leon Cushing) - Lincoln, Abraham · Date: 1912.
Selections from the Letters and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln Heath's English classics. Author, Abraham Lincoln. Editors, Leon Cushing Prince, Lewis Herbert ...
Selections from Lincoln; Authors: Lincoln, Abraham, Prince, Leon C., Chrisman, Lewis H. Other Authors: Prince, Leon C. (Leon Cushing), b. 1875, ed. Item ID ...
Sep 23, 2008 · Selections from the letters and speeches of Abraham Lincoln. by: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865; Prince, Leon C. (Leon Cushing), b. 1875, ed ...
Selections from the letters and speeches of Abraham Lincoln. by: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865; Prince, Leon C. (Leon Cushing), b. 1875, ed; Chrisman, Lewis H ...
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Selections from the letters and speeches of Abraham Lincoln / edited with introduction and notes, by Leon C. Prince and Lewis H. Chrisman.
Selections from the letters and speeches of Abraham Lincoln / ed. with introduction and notes, by Leon C. Prince ... and Lewis H. Chrisman.
Selections from the letters and speeches of Abraham Lincoln. by Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865 Prince Leon C. (Leon Cushing) b. 1875 ed Chrisman Lewis Herbert 1883- ...
Buy ...Selections from the letters and speeches of Abraham Lincoln by Lincoln 1809-1865 Prince Leon C. (Leon Cushing) b. 1875 ed Chrisman Lewis Herbert ...