inauthor:"Edward O'Toole" from
The Sophia Bestiae shows that Revelations 13: 18 was correct in that the Time of the Beast is now, but that The Beast is in fact Mankind - the true enemy of God. Here is wisdom.
inauthor:"Edward O'Toole" from
The most satanic screenplay ever written. Heretical Dark Fantasy Horror based on the Gnostic text 'Origin of the World'. It will definitely change the way you look at both the world and God. ISBN: 1411678125
inauthor:"Edward O'Toole" from
Self-reliance empowers the weak, it allows the poor the dignity to feed and clothe themselves and their family without having to beg from the State, and it provides an almost infinite testing ground for the strong to prove their own mettle.
inauthor:"Edward O'Toole" from
As of yesterday, you are a non-person as are the rest in that blasted list you heard cried. You have lost the right to a home and land; you have lost the right to work and marry. I'm trying to save your life. Here is my deal.
inauthor:"Edward O'Toole" from
Edward O'Toole, author of Sophia Bestiae and Grimoire Bestiae, brings you the next step on the journey to self awakening. Zen Gnosis just might change your life.
inauthor:"Edward O'Toole" from
Windblown is a story of survival, love and human relations in a depopulated world.