inauthor:"Elder G. E. Jones" from
Elder Jones has listed the significance of 17 Bible numbers and gives us the meanings of the materials of the tabernacle, such as gold, silver, brass, blue, purple, scarlet, fine linen, shittim wood, oil, salt, leaven and much more.
inauthor:"Elder G. E. Jones" from
May this book encourage you to do your own Bible study on numbers. "Count" the Bible – find untold wealth to feed your soul and spirit. "Search the scriptures . . ." (John 5:39).
inauthor:"Elder G. E. Jones" from
Such doctrines as God’s foreknowledge, the inspiration of the Word, the deity of Christ, blood redemption, the resurrections, repentance, faith, security, the perpetuity of the churches, Israel’s restoration, the great tribulation ...