DeBona, a noted expert in homiletics, offers foundational principles and sound practical advice for preachers as they face the perennially challenging task of preaching at funerals and weddings.
Between the Ambo and the Altar is the final book (Year C) in a three-volume series that presents scriptural, liturgical, and preaching commentary for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts throughout the year.
A small collection of writings by Benedictines across the centuries, representing various expressions of monastic personal and public prayer, as well as reflections on the Rule of St. Benedict.
This homiletics team concludes their series with homilies/reflections for Cycle C. At the end of each homily are two sets of questions: one for the general reader for (private or group) reflection and one specifically for preachers that ...
Both entertaining and insightful, Savior on the Silver Screen is structured for easy use in classroom, small group, and individual settings and includes rental information and practical tips for using the book.