This workbook will help your group with lessons for the staff meetings, and an accountability process to evaluate the success of your program. This workbook is an excellent tool for mentoring our troubled youth.
"Atmosphere Is Everything" Is a book inspired and written by Melvin Fleming to shift your level of praise to the level that releases the power of God for miracles to operate in your life. Everything in life has an atmosphere.
Talk Ain't Cheap is a book designed to help teach you how to change negative words that you have been saying and turning them into positive words so that you can live a more fruitful and productive life.
I trust and pray that after reading this book you will find the answers that you need, compelling you to rise up and finally gain control of your life so that you will live the life you were created and meant to lead.
This booklet is a must read for all ages. Melvin Fleming unlocks the mystery, why children are afraid to fall asleep in their rooms at night and what parents need to do to stop their fear at night.
This book is a book of deliverance and will teach preachers how to detox, purge and rid themselves from all evil impurities that attaches itself to their spirit while on this Christian journey.