The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation This book has everything a teen Witch could want and need between two covers: a magickal cookbook, encyclopedia, dictionary, and grimoire.
Grab a flowing cape and journey through the history and magickal practices ofAmerica's favorite scary holiday! "Halloween" provides serious facts based onaccurate research, as well as practical, how-to goodies and gossipy tidbits.
Silver's Spells for Protection contains tips for dealing with all these situations, and more. This book covers how to handle stalkers, abusers, and other nasties with practical information as well as magickal techniques.
Boasting more than 100,000 copies in print, this indispensable guide has been revised and updated. Silver RavenWolf dishes out tried-and-true Witch wisdom, covering the essentials of Witchcraft. New cover New interior design New edit
Selling more than 300,000 copies, this popular guide to the Craft has been helping a new generation of Witches—those practicing or wishing to practice the Craft on their own—for over a decade.
A Witch's Notebook features an extensive herbal section that includes the magickal uses, planetary energies, associated astrological signs, and elemental energies of over 100 herbs, flowers, roots, and fruits.
Silver RavenWolf's Complete Collection of Effective Spells Bestselling author Silver RavenWolf presents more than one hundred of her best spells and mixtures for love, protection, and abundance—all in one powerful, easy-to-use book.