subject:"Architecture" from
The seventy paintings, eighteen drawings, and one etching selected for the present volume--drawn from public and private collections throughout Europe, the United States, and Asia for exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art--include ...
subject:"Architecture" from
This book is very inspirational, and could be used to advocate similar planning improvements in any large city. This book is meant for anyone interested in environmental activism, and anyone looking for serious innovations in their city.
subject:"Architecture" from
Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight surveys the cultural history of Los Angeles in the decades between 1940 and 1970, illustrating how a regional pattern of decentralized urbanization gave shape to a new "white" suburban identity.
subject:"Architecture" from
These outlaws find sanctuary within the walls of medieval Paris' greatest monument, the grand Cathedral of Notre Dame."What a beautiful thing Notre-Dame is!" declared Gustave Flaubert of Victor Hugo's 1837 novel.
subject:"Architecture" from
三國志演義 : Romance of the three kingdoms Guanzhong Luo
subject:"Architecture" from
Foreword by Arthur Drexler. Introduction by Vincent Scully.
subject:"Architecture" from
"The beauty and levity that Perry and Gabriele have captured in this book are what I think will help it to become a standard text for general audiences for years to come….The Bright Ages is a rare thing—a nuanced historical work that ...
subject:"Architecture" from
This book features exceptional artifacts, most of which are being exhibited for the first time in the United States.
subject:"Architecture" from
Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves explores how the history of slavery and its violent end was told in public spaces—specifically in the sculptural monuments that came to dominate streets, parks, and town squares in nineteenth-century ...
subject:"Architecture" from
When the first edition of this book was published in 1957, the art of making a tipi was almost lost, even among American Indians.