subject:"Millennium" from
In most aof these texts Gog and Magog are persons or nations opposing God's people in the endtime-tribulations.Sverre Boe focuses on John's use of various Gog and Magog traditions in Revelation 19,17-20,10.
subject:"Millennium" from
This fascinating book explores the millenarianism that flourished in Western Europe between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries.
subject:"Millennium" from
Millennial rhetoric is both pervasive and persuasive, Quinby argues, because it operates with mutually reinforcing doses of fear and hope.
subject:"Millennium" from
Examines the activities twentieth-century millenarians, or people who anticipate a sudden and dramatic change in the world order with the guidance of supernatural beings.
subject:"Millennium" from
From millenarists to Antichrist hunters, from the Sibyls to the Hussites, Visions of the End is a monumental compendium spanning the literature of the Christian apocalyptic tradition from the period A.D. 400 to 1500, masterfully selected ...
subject:"Millennium" from
A fresh and highly illuminating approach to what is perhaps the most difficult chapter in the most difficult book of the New Testament.