subject:"Music Religious" from
A rich source for students of Greek mythology and literature, the Homeric hymns are also fine poetry.
subject:"Music Religious" from
The hymns presented in this book were anonymously composed somewhere in Asia Minor, most likely in the middle of the third century AD. At this turbulent time, the Hellenic past was fighting for its survival, while the new Christian faith ...
subject:"Music Religious" from
Originally published in 1867, this book is a collection of songs of African-American slaves. A few of the songs were written after the emancipation, but all were inspired by slavery.
subject:"Music Religious" from
Includes bibliogrphy, glosary, index
subject:"Music Religious" from
Vii: Hymns To Ganesa, The Darling Deity Makes A Slight Departure From The Predecessor Volumes.Sacred Songs Of India Volume One Contained Songs Of Mystics Intoxicated With God In The Form Of Krishana Or Rama.The Songs On Ganesa Included In ...
subject:"Music Religious" from
The first book written and printed in the New World, the Bay Psalm Book holds a unique place in our cultural history.
subject:"Music Religious" from
Passed down from early settlers in the backwoods of the Southern Uplands, this religious folk tradition hearkens back to a simpler age when Sundays were a time for the Lord and the “singings.” Illustrated with forty-one songs from the ...
subject:"Music Religious" from
This book contains the first study of the musical culture of ancient Israel/Palestine based primarily on the archaeological record.
subject:"Music Religious" from
Seventy carols from around the world plus historical descriptions of Christmas customs.
subject:"Music Religious" from
The meditations in this book will probably rank high among many similar works which the contemplative love of Jesus has produced; but it is our duty here plainly to affirm that they have no pretensions whatever to be regarded as history.