The Harrier is an old but rare breed and part of the hound group.[1] Having a name derived from their prey, they were used to hunt hare and are thought to have been used in creating other hound breeds, particularly some American hounds.[2] Harriers look incredibly similar to several hounds, especially those related to them, such as the Beagle and English Foxhound. By recognizing their distinguishing traits, however, this wikiHow will help you identify a Harrier.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Taking Note of the Structure

  1. Harriers are roughly medium-sized dogs, being described as smaller versions of English Foxhounds. They usually stand at a height of 19–21 inches (48–53 cm) with a weight of anywhere from 45 to 60 pounds (20 to 27 kg).[3]
  2. A Harrier's head does not stand out in any way and is rather proportionate to the body in size. The forehead tends to appear a bit bold with a pronounced stop, and the head is fairly broad and long.[4]
  3. The ears of a Harrier hang near the dog's cheeks from their low-set position on the head. They have tips that appear rounded.[5] They may also seem like velvet.[6]
  4. Harriers have eyes that are fairly far apart and medium in size. Though they are preferably dark, they may range from hazel to brown in dogs with darker coats and a lighter shade of hazel to a yellow color in dogs that have coats of lighter colors. They help give the dog an expression of alert sensibility when aroused and gentleness when not.[7]
  5. A Harrier's muzzle is roughly as long as the skull. Without flews, it appears cleanly square and deep. The teeth may be placed in a scissors or level bite, and the wide nose has nostrils that are clearly open.[8]
  6. The paws of a Harrier are cat feet, meaning they appear round. Being thickly and strongly padded, they have closely lying toes. The front paws point inward to a small degree, while the back paws are straightly set forward.[9]
  7. Though long, a Harrier's tail is never seen on the back in a curled manner. Rather, it is carried upward, usually between a range of 12 to 3 o'clock, the exact carriage depending on how the dog's attitude is. From its high-set spot on the back, it tapers to the tip, which has a bit of brushed hair.[10]
  8. Harriers are sturdy in build, balanced, strong, largely boned without seeming heavy, and a small amount longer than they are tall, making them just off-square. They have a long neck, sloping shoulders, a deep chest, ribs of good spring, angulated legs, and a level topline. Their gait is straight-forward, smooth, well-coordinated, and efficient, covering much ground.[11]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Examining the Coat

  1. A Harrier's coat appears glossy and is a rather short length. You should also notice a bit of a brush under the dog's tail.[12]
  2. To complement its appearance, the coat of a Harrier feels dense and a bit hard to the touch. It is generally finer in texture on the dog's ears than on the rest of the body.[13]
  3. Harriers may be seen sporting a coat of any color, so do not judge the dog's breed based on color alone. The color of a Harrier is deemed not important.[14]

    Did you know? Though coat color is not the best way to distinguish a Harrier from another breed, unique among hounds, however, it is possible to see a Harrier with a blue mottled coat.[15]

Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Checking Temperament

  1. Harriers are known to be sweet and friendly in nature, especially if frequently socialized. This can make them great dogs for families with children.[16]
  2. Another trait that enables Harriers to do well with children is their sense of patience. Patience is important for hunting breeds to not go after prey too early, and they retain this trait from their history as hunters.[17]
  3. One way to describe a Harrier's mood is cheerful. They are especially cheerful when they spend plenty of time both outdoors and inside with their families. As long as they can stay with their families and are not left alone for long, they can maintain a happy attitude.[18]
  4. Due to their background, Harriers need some form of activity, and they tend to be scent-driven. They may take their energy out on other small animals, such as cats, by chasing them because of having a high prey drive.[19]
  5. Harriers are known to be outgoing and love making new friends. Because of their natural pack mentality, they will attempt to befriend anyone, even those that may be wary around dogs.[20]

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  • Give thought to DNA testing if you wish to know which breed your dog is. A DNA test will confirm if your dog is a Harrier.

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Updated: April 26, 2021
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